
Thursday 12 January 2017

Lessons from the Ark

About 2 days ago, I read a piece about Noah in the Bible and the Ark he built. I remembered learning in my freshman year that it took him 120 years to build the ark and since then I have always been in awe of his consistency and trust in God; I mean I can’t even maintain a diet for one month! (Although some scholars contest this fact however that’s not the essence of this post). Once again I was struck by another fact that ‘Noah had no experience in Carpentry or Ark building’ I mean there probably had never been record of such grand woodworks prior to this time yet a man of the soil heard and obeyed God and went to work; a task he completed excellently. I mean the ark preserved mankind so it is safe to believe it was a huge success.
I was once again impressed and then immediately sad and a bit disappointed in myself; how many times had I told myself I couldn’t achieve something based on the excuse of not having knowledge or experience? I have lost count of how many times my fear or lack of trust kept me grounded and non-progressive. Society and the corporate world also doesn’t help with this mindset and that is why I wouldn’t apply for a job I have always dreamed of because it has been rung in my ears countless times that I will not get it because I do not know how to do it! We do not give people the chance to grow and learn; we also do not give ourselves the chance too. Therefore most of us are stuck and frustrated.
I have given up on dreams because even when I tell myself I can learn, I begin to convince myself that maybe it isn’t worth the investment of time and other resources but I find myself being depressed, overwhelmed by feelings of being a failure. Very recently, I moved an idea from being a farfetched dream to being a goal I intend to achieve; I do not know what and how to do it but I know I may not heal from the disappointment if I do not at least try. Coming across that piece on Noah was a push I needed; it is possible to learn, and grow and be super excellent at something that will eventually bring solace to many. I believe Noah’s motivation was obedience to God; a desire to please Him as well as to see mankind preserved; I also believe he probably dwelt on these daily anytime the naysayers reared their ugly heads and opinions.
So I asked myself; ‘Anu what is your motivation?’Someone asked me a few days ago, “What are you helping people achieve? Who are you sent to?” Knowing the answer to these types of questions would keep you going; it would help you decide that being dogged and committed to consistent learning, building capacity and growth no matter the industry or path you choose will lead to what you consider to be success.
God told Noah the materials to use but I know HE didn’t come down to knock the wood in place for him. Noah did the work and even if he may have had doubts and was exhausted, he made progress. He wasn’t young or wealthy and he didn’t have machinery. I sometimes imagine that he asked some people questions; or that he melted a few of his wife’s pots trying to get the perfect binding substance or he cut himself a few times thumping and chopping. Whatever his experiences, HE DID IT! He finished and almost the whole of human existence acknowledges him today.  
So today, I encourage myself and you too, that ‘you can do ANYTHING! Anything at all!’ Believe it and get to work! Do not let fears or lack of faith deter you; focus on the benefits of the end result and the truth that you would learn so much on your journey. You have it in you! You already have the capacity to do whatever you set your mind to; you just cannot afford to give up! I also realised that the help you need is always somehow available; I can testify to this because it sometimes feels like magic when I am thinking of how to do something and I may just decide to mention it randomly and boom! There just happens to be someone around so very gracious and willing to offer ALL the help I need.
I love a text below; always remember you are already empowered to do more!!

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