
Monday 12 August 2013

The Fall

The prince of darkness is a gentleman - William Shakespeare

I close my eyes and sigh as I see another one fall for yet another lie
And I hear the chains clamp down on his neck and wrists
As he is led away into further deceit and if he’s never rescued, ultimately destruction
Just like the millions before him, he succumbs to allegations that are glaringly untrue
It’s always the same story, simply presented in a different and customized package
I do nothing because I have no power to offer any form of help to this being
I’ve also learnt that I may lose what is left of my life if I rebel (again)
I look at him, the one who is so skilled in the art of lies and deceit
I was a victim and that is how I got to this place of eternal darkness
How did I believe him? How did I accept his offer of a better life when my life was already the best?
‘The bringer of light’ is what he is called
I won’t deny I was intrigued by him,
Captivated by his smoothness, admired his gifts and ‘alleged’ wisdom
Wondering why he seemed different and better than the rest of us.
I was beautiful once too
But that was in a place far away from here
Life was easy and the result of all my assignments were good
But he came and with his words painted pictures of things I had never heard
Promises of a life of power I had never known existed.
After ‘the fall’ and the realization of my true state I longed for a way to get back what I had
I don’t know how long it has been but I know I’ve lost hope that there is a way back home.

**I don’t intend to ‘promote’ any character with this post, it was birth out of me just randomly thinking if there was ever a fallen angel who realized his mistake for rebelling against God with lucifer and desired to go back home to Heaven.

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