
Wednesday 17 July 2013

Hollywood and the moral of their movies

I watched one of my favourite movies (The Dark Knight Rises) again recently and somewhere in the middle (when Bane was standing on a tank in front of the prison, addressing the people of Gotham to take justice into their hands) I had to pause and think about the actor who played this character.

Tom Hardy who played Bane in the movie had 3months of grueling physical training to gain 30 pounds, learn various fighting styles and have a tight mask molded for his face to play the role of this villain who almost killed Batman. Beyond physical appearance, some actors need to change accents and mannerisms, act psychotic or quit certain habits. If that is not devotion to the job and excellence, I wonder what is.

Hardy isn’t the only actor who has had to make drastic changes to his/her appearance to perfectly play a role. Recently I had this discussion with a group of people and someone pointed out that of course these Hollywood actors will be willing to do anything because of what they are paid; as much as I agree, I believe for them it’s beyond the money, they know and are convinced beyond a doubt that the only way they can accomplish their dreams of being world-renowned entertainers is if they maintain that spirit and acts of excellence.

I guess that’s why the movie industry called ‘Hollywood’ has existed for what seems like forever and will remain an industry worth billions of dollars –all the players understand the need to be excellent.

How many of us put in our all in what we do? How many of us consistently and unfailingly keep upgrading our skills or are willing to pay ‘the price’ for that which we want?

Most of us may have heard Tyler Perry’s story and how he suffered rejection severally until things started working out and now regardless of how predictable some of his movies can be, we remain fans of his work and he’s a millionaire simply from telling stories!

I sometimes get scared to write and post an article because I wonder how people will react or if it’s good enough. But if I don’t fail at least once how would I know when I get it right? And who even said I’ll fail? I worry that whatever industry I want to break into is already ‘full’ but I’m sure the sky is wide enough for all species of birds if not God would have made plans to expand the space.

I have seen that excellence is a global language; there are no standards or levels of excellence, it’s the same level in China, US, Nigeria and Australia. And if whatever you want to achieve or who you want to be doesn’t reach that global standard then forget about your dream of world domination. I figure that’s why someone like Deola Sagoe can make clothes for Hollywood stars because of the undeniable excellence in her product and service- they want the solution she is offering and are not bothered about her nationality.

However if your dream is to cater to the 100 people in your neighborhood please I have nothing against you and I don’t judge where you are but for those of us who know we have been called to deal with more than our immediate surroundings, it’s time to buckle up and be ‘uncompromisingly excellent’!

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