
Friday 7 September 2012


“………I promise you, I’ve NEVER loved anything so fiercely and I’m not even his mother.”

I am of the belief that you can never truly know what it means to love unconditionally until you have loved a child.

To look at that tiny-helpless-sometimes terrorist-like- little being and wonder how you’ll protect him/her from any form of hurt.

The first time I saw him he seemed ‘off’ for lack of a better expression. But truly it felt weird but I was happy. I was scared that how would I play my role in the life of this being God has brought into my life? Would I be faithful in my prayers for him? Would I teach him the right things? Trying to keep his innocence but making sure he isn’t naïve and blind to the world; to recognize and separate the black, white and grey areas.

Then it began to seem as if when I go to work and come back at night, you’ve grown bigger. Would I be there when you take your first step or say your first proper word? If you’ll eat the wrong thing or experience a great fall and scrap a knee.

I wonder that 13 years from now when you are taller than me would you still be my friend. Would you smile when you see me or dread my visits?

Would you tell me about the babes in your class or your experience on your last holiday? Would you ask me to pray with you or would I have to get on my knees everyday for your salvation?

My fussing won’t solve any issues; you’ll fall down (as you must have already done like two million times); you’ll take me for granted because I’ll let you; you’ll ask me weird and awkward questions that I’ll have to pray for the wisdom to answer; you’ll annoy me but I will forgive you; you’ll codedly ask me for stuff your mum says no to; you’ll like a girl and she won’t like you back; you’ll get angry at God because you won’t understand why certain things happen.

But I know all this is just me worrying, I have no doubt the greatness you’ll grow up to become and every experience- good and bad- will set you on that path. The Joy you held in your fists when you came from heaven can’t be questioned. For truly God sent you to teach me how to love……


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