
Thursday 2 May 2024

The Quiet Characters


My Book of Bible Stories by

I have used a particular devotional book since 2008, it was a souvenir at a wedding, and I believe that is the best gift I have received for attending someone’s event. It is a book about Bible characters, and it resonates so strongly because I appreciate storytelling; I learn better when I can read, imagine, and take the time to assimilate. Also, the characters are so relatable – flawed and human who made it into the Bible to teach us multiple lessons.

I became curious about some characters mentioned in the book and decided to research their lives and what motivated their most significant actions or inactions. Through the years of reading about these characters, I learn new and different things every time.

A few months ago, I felt the nudge to share lessons The Holy Spirit shows me from the lives of some of these characters. I was reminded about how much reading books like my book of Bible stories as a child and sitting in Sunday school, made an impact. Learning about Enoch, Abraham, Joseph, Mary, and more are priceless lessons I still hold on to and apply in my life. It took a while for me to sit with this thought and know how to go about it. I knew I did not want to repeat the characters or stories that were already well-known, I also considered focusing only on female characters. But today as I read about Ishbosheth, I heard the words ‘Quiet Characters’ and knew what to do.

So begins my series on quiet characters of the Bible: some of which were probably mentioned only once or twice or may not have been considered profound in ways we are familiar with. However, one or more things about them jump at me, and God leads me to share. Since reading about him gave me the kick needed to stop procrastinating, I would begin the series with Ishbosheth.

See you next week.

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