
Tuesday 19 November 2013

A Little bit of the goddess

The past 4 weeks have been…….eventful! I’m sure my next few posts may reveal part of my recent experiences however I’d like to first apologise that the goddess hasn’t been as consistent as promised (I got harassed by some friends and readers) and I sincerely, genuinely apologise. Believe me, I don’t take for granted that there are people waiting to read what I have to say/write.

Meanwhile, my amazing friend Belinda of Diary of a Fashion Enthusiast  nominated my blog for the Liebster Award, I was surprised and at first nervous (because I had no idea what it was about) yet happy so THANKS babes, u rock!!

From explanations, the Liebster Award targets new bloggers or blogs with great content yet a not so huge following, with the aim of getting them more exposure; therefore it's an award given by bloggers to other bloggers.

The rules include:

1. Give a shout out to the person who nominated you and link back to them.

2. Post 11 things about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

4. Nominate 11 more blogs and link them in your post and create 11 questions for them to answer.

5. Make sure you let them know they have been nominated via your social media of choice.

*Answering and forming these questions actually got me thinking about myself; so I’d advice that anyone who reads this post should answer the questions or think of random things about yourself in case someone asked you or simply for self-discovery.
And I'd totally appreciate comments (maybe state one random thing about yourself or recommend a blog to be nominated)

 11 Random Stuvs About Me

1)     I like teaching

2)   I LOVE beans (in whatever form-Akara, moi moi, gbegiri, boiled) can eat it everyday and at any time.

3)   I’m a freelance Makeup artist

4)   I’m a good dancer but I regret that I didn’t make ‘DANCE’ a part time career from when I was younger, now I fear I’m too heavy to dance professionally

5)    My voice is really loud

6)   I like to read

7)    I can’t whistle

8)   I really like Nigeria and I pray for her; if I ever live in another country I’d like to still move back home

9)   I don’t like crying

10)                       Out of all the fruits in the world, I can eat only about 7 (Bananas are the worst! Yuck!)

11) One of the things I remind myself as often as possible is 2nd Tim 1:7 “God hasn’t given me the spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind (or Self Discipline depending on the situation); this scripture gets me going!


Questions from Diary of a Fashion Enthusiast

1.      Would you consider blogging as a full time job)?

Yes, if it can help me fulfil all I’m supposed to and of course if I can earn a very good living from it

2.    What's your number one guilty pleasure?

CHOCOLATE!!! (as a drink, biscuit, cake, candy etc) The guilt I carry after indulging can kill but can’t let go.

3.    If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

A million dollars in Naira is about N160 million so I’d pay tithe, buy a house and car, do something for my parents and siblings, invest in stocks and my retail business, do Sara (a Yoruba word used to describe when you cook and gather clothes and give out to the homeless or less privileged), go shopping, whatever remains I’ll figure it out

4.    What's number one on your bucket list?

Have a child. Don’t know if it’s my number one though, but it’s high on my list.

5.     What's your fave fashion item at the moment?

At the moment I have 2; LIPSTICKS- I have about 40 tubes now with intentions of getting more. AND rings, I feel naked without a ring on my finger

6.    Which makeup/beauty item can't you live without?


7.     Which country would you love to visit or revisit and why?

Dubai. I’d love to revisit and revisit and even live there for a while.    It’s Beautiful- the people, the weather (apart from July/August sha), the shops and markets, the buildings, even the services on Emirates airline before you get there *sigh*

8.    What's the most expensive item in your wardrobe?


9.    What's number one on your wish list?

A car- Toyota Venza or any other beautiful but spacious car for my mobile retail store ; )

10.          Who's your favourite artist and song?

Right now I’m in love with Tasha Cobbs and Emeli Sande. And I can’t choose just one of either person’s songs

11.  Android or iOS?



Questions to everyone I have tagged

1.      Describe yourself in just one word

2.    What do you conceive God to be (or who is God to you?) in one sentence

3.    Three things that make you genuinely happy

4.    Great(est) fear

5.     Last thing you threw away

6.    If you were to die by the end of today, mention 3 things you’d do if you had no limits

7.     First crush

8.    Best book ever read

9.    2 people you admire and why

10.                        If you could have one super power what would it be?

11.  Why did you start blogging?

 My nominees are:

The rule says nominate 11 blogs but I don’t have up to 11 upcoming blogs that I follow or know; I felt ‘a bit’ bad about this though because I thought I should know more blogs.....but I’ll heal! So I’ll nominate these 7 that I know are active and would really enjoy reading their answers.

Follow me on twitter @Anu_chayil
Google+ Anu Adebayo
Pinterest Anuchayil

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