
Saturday 24 August 2013

The Goddess is One

Yaaaay!!! Pencil Goddess is 1

My first post on the 24th of August 2012 was probably me psyching myself about how ready I was to blog forever. I wasn’t deceived that being consistent (in ANYTHING) comes easy but I was willing.

And now, after a year it honestly feels good that I made it this far because trust me there were times I asked “who sent me message?”

It has been fun and enlightening; the responses and reactions to things I write- that my thoughts expressed can make people laugh, sad or ponder. I’ve also developed the habit of consciously holding on to lessons I learn even from seemingly random things.

So to every single person who has ever clicked the link; to all my friends who ever broadcasted/shared any of my posts I’m exceedingly grateful, you have no idea how good it makes me feel and how it boosts my confidence that what I have to ‘say’ is worth reading.

And to Perkins, who I disturb with the silliest tech issues but puts up with my stress, THANK YOU!

Here’s to many more funny experiences so I can share with you all, Lool!

***the goddess and I shall be enjoying a cake later!!! (YES! Because she deserves it and yes we are throwing our diet out the window for this ; )

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Finally I Won

I WONNN!!! Yep I won the Fashion Fair Capsule collection in the picture above at a Makeup fair.

You may say it’s not a big deal but for me it is because I don’t think I’m a very lucky person and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way; I’m unlucky when it comes to winning gifts- it just happens that I don’t walk into the supermarket when they are doing a promo with free carton of Indomie noodles; when Globacom is giving out N20million to their telecomm subscribers or when DSTV decides to give a devoted customer free 12 months subscription.

Well luck smiled at me few days ago at a Makeup fair (which I almost didn’t attend because I had been at a wedding all day and was exhausted) but I’m devoted to the course so I psyched myself and off I went to the fair.

After almost an hour of trying hard but failing to stick to my plan to ONLY window shop and NOT buy anything, I went to say good bye to a friend and then I heard the hostess begin to talk about the give aways and anyone who was interested should raise her hand. She must have announced it like 3 times before I got the courage to raise my hand, normally I won’t do such a thing because I don’t want a situation where I show I’m interested and then I don’t get the prize.

Well I’m glad I obeyed the small voice that told me “what’s the worst that can happen?”; the hostess told me to walk forward and I noticed 3 other women had indicated interest. She asked the first lady a question and when I heard the answer she gave I became more confident. I raised my hand and when she asked me I gave my answer. The next 30 seconds must have been the longest of my life because suddenly I remembered how I never win gifts and now infront of all these cameras and people I will make a fool of myself.

She asked my name and told me to face the cameras; she asked a few questions and next thing I heard her say “Well your guess is correct, you’ve won……….” I didn’t hear her again oh, I started clapping and I think I snatched the case out of her hand. Cameras started flashing, people were clapping and I heard a guy with a video camera ask me “How do you feel?”. I couldn’t believe it………I had WON!

I remember telling my friend “Thank God I didn’t leave!” and immediately what came to my mind was ‘being at the right place at the right time’ makes almost anything possible. I could have been anywhere else or allowed myself be lazy at home, doing something random that may have ruined my day but I made a choice to be at this place where I got great discounts on products, made new friends and ultimately won an amazing gift!

Surprisingly, I had seen a Fashion Fair color collection online weeks earlier and I was looking for where to buy it so I guess ‘If you desire it, you can get it!’ *GRIN*. Two great things happened for me; I broke the jinx of not getting gifts and I was reminded of the positive results of listening to your instinct and taking a courageous step forward.

When I think of those few minutes that day (and even reading this post), I can’t help but laugh at myself and my drama but it makes me genuinely happy I didn’t chicken out; feels like I was immediately rewarded for being obedient! (However the N20 million from Globacom for all my years of putting up with their epileptic network will ease the pain sha)

Monday 12 August 2013

The Fall

The prince of darkness is a gentleman - William Shakespeare

I close my eyes and sigh as I see another one fall for yet another lie
And I hear the chains clamp down on his neck and wrists
As he is led away into further deceit and if he’s never rescued, ultimately destruction
Just like the millions before him, he succumbs to allegations that are glaringly untrue
It’s always the same story, simply presented in a different and customized package
I do nothing because I have no power to offer any form of help to this being
I’ve also learnt that I may lose what is left of my life if I rebel (again)
I look at him, the one who is so skilled in the art of lies and deceit
I was a victim and that is how I got to this place of eternal darkness
How did I believe him? How did I accept his offer of a better life when my life was already the best?
‘The bringer of light’ is what he is called
I won’t deny I was intrigued by him,
Captivated by his smoothness, admired his gifts and ‘alleged’ wisdom
Wondering why he seemed different and better than the rest of us.
I was beautiful once too
But that was in a place far away from here
Life was easy and the result of all my assignments were good
But he came and with his words painted pictures of things I had never heard
Promises of a life of power I had never known existed.
After ‘the fall’ and the realization of my true state I longed for a way to get back what I had
I don’t know how long it has been but I know I’ve lost hope that there is a way back home.

**I don’t intend to ‘promote’ any character with this post, it was birth out of me just randomly thinking if there was ever a fallen angel who realized his mistake for rebelling against God with lucifer and desired to go back home to Heaven.