
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Running into an Ex

I walked past that window and I saw you
My heart stopped for a brief second.
What do I do?
You had seen me before I even spotted you and you fixed your gaze on me
So sure that I’d see you eventually
Standing self-assured, I can almost feel you smirk
You enjoyed my discomfort, the awkwardness I felt, how I struggled between the decision to walk away or come say hi
I shake my head physically, trying to rid my mind of the mental images of times spent with you
Nights we spent laughing; alone or with company
Day time we shared over a plate of lunch or simply because we had time for each other
I can’t forget how interesting those times were regardless of how high maintenance you were
You always had a reason to spend money; birthdays, public holidays and just because we are alive.
I had control of your tantrums some days,
When the truth is you only allowed me believe I had control
You being by my side somehow made me bold; beyond that it made me proud
Like I belonged to the ‘pack’; you made me look cool……
…….someone touches you and I quickly look away, breaking away from your gaze
As I walk away I think of life before you
How I had heard things…..sometimes what you’ll consider normal stories other times negative reports
Reports of what you had done to some people.
And so we met, not because I wanted a challenge
It just happened….like it was the right time.
Years down the line and I knew there was something off
It wasn’t a mutually beneficial relationship and I was the one not gaining
So I made a choice and I have stood by it
Regardless of how hard it may seem because you gave some form of comfort
With all your issues I admired you for one thing; you were fiercely loyal
Always available when I needed you.
I still think of you but I’m enjoying life without you
Goodbye Mr. Daniels……..

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