
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Passion and Practice

I’ve always loved photography but became ‘a bit unsure’ when everyone started trying to become a photographer. I don’t know if I’ll go commercial but I finally got the courage to get my camera earlier this year since I actually need it for personal use. I have taken a million pictures, some of them bad but I don’t care because I’m willing to learn and with time begin to take great pictures.

Below are a few of the pictures out of my ‘practice folder’


I took this at the Lindsey Concert (in a park) in Abuja
A street in Yaba Lagos taken at an awkward position from a window
I almost totally agree with this saying! This was taken at an Art and Photography exhibition in Abuja
Somehow this building looks like it was just ‘placed’against the sky. This was taken near Yabatech Lagos
I did the Makeup *smiling*
I absolutely love this Lady’s hair cut although I doubt I’ll ever have the courage to rock my hair like that. And the part she left long is all natural and beautiful!
My friend Kellie, she had no idea I was about to take this picture and I think she was giving the person on the phone an attitude
For those who know me well, I love rings (looking at them and wearing them) and I couldn’t resist taking this picture. This was at a Fashion sales event in Abuja.
I Love this eyeliner by Tara Orekelewa and I took this picture to advertise Makeup products I sell.
I like this dress with Ankara detail by ‘Sorted Affairs’. This is the designer Agnes modeling her work.
My friend Achenyo at an Igbo cultural themed service at church.
A pair of damask shorts from my friend LIWHAN’s collection (she’s a fantastic talented designer, not because she is my friend but I have items from her collection and I love them). I took this picture at her viewing and sales event in Abuja.
Practicing Makeup looks and photography at a Studio in Abuja.
Cake of life! I just had to take this picture of a red velvet cake covered by MnMs made by The Woodhouse Café and Bakery in Abuja. They make smoothies too with 100% Fresh fruits and I felt healthier just drinking it ; )
I have a thing for Black and White pictures; to me they automatically look classy. Don’t think I did a perfect job with this one but well…….An Art work made of Ilarun (traditional Yoruba comb used while weaving hair) and raffia.
My Joy! My Darling! *kisses* He was in a great mood so it didn’t take much to get him to smile like this for me. He has more teeth now though.
I know this picture isn’t clear but they all look really nice and happy! Picture taken at a friend’s house in Lagos.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Running into an Ex

I walked past that window and I saw you
My heart stopped for a brief second.
What do I do?
You had seen me before I even spotted you and you fixed your gaze on me
So sure that I’d see you eventually
Standing self-assured, I can almost feel you smirk
You enjoyed my discomfort, the awkwardness I felt, how I struggled between the decision to walk away or come say hi
I shake my head physically, trying to rid my mind of the mental images of times spent with you
Nights we spent laughing; alone or with company
Day time we shared over a plate of lunch or simply because we had time for each other
I can’t forget how interesting those times were regardless of how high maintenance you were
You always had a reason to spend money; birthdays, public holidays and just because we are alive.
I had control of your tantrums some days,
When the truth is you only allowed me believe I had control
You being by my side somehow made me bold; beyond that it made me proud
Like I belonged to the ‘pack’; you made me look cool……
…….someone touches you and I quickly look away, breaking away from your gaze
As I walk away I think of life before you
How I had heard things…..sometimes what you’ll consider normal stories other times negative reports
Reports of what you had done to some people.
And so we met, not because I wanted a challenge
It just happened….like it was the right time.
Years down the line and I knew there was something off
It wasn’t a mutually beneficial relationship and I was the one not gaining
So I made a choice and I have stood by it
Regardless of how hard it may seem because you gave some form of comfort
With all your issues I admired you for one thing; you were fiercely loyal
Always available when I needed you.
I still think of you but I’m enjoying life without you
Goodbye Mr. Daniels……..

Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Withdrawn Extrovert


I recently wrote a piece about friendship and how we lose some, gain some and life goes on……lately I’ve been accused of being anti-social and stubborn (especially when I turn down invitations to outings) so it seems I don’t know anyone anymore, I sometimes agree because looking at myself some years ago and in present time maybe I’ve become the ‘driest’.

I’m fun to hang out with when you eventually catch me but I hardly go out except of course it involves food (yes I’m a certified unashamed foodie) or some event about fashion or business.

Some weeks ago I had a nightmare -I told a few of my friends (by few I mean less than 10 people) to come visit me. Only for the day to arrive and about 500 people appeared, I'm NOT exaggerating, seriously it looked like a rave at a warehouse- all sorts of people including those I didn’t even speak to in school came. They were really nice, hugging and smiling and telling me how beautiful I looked (I'm not even sure I’d had a bathe at this point in the dream). I had a panic attack, and quickly ran to my friends Ak and Seyi who I told to help me buy refreshments for the millions of people at my house……

As my God promised that He will never give me what I can’t handle….I WOKE UP! Yes, just like in the movie Inception as I was about to die from a panic attack in the dream I woke up! When I narrated the dream to my sister Yinka she laughed at me and said I’m “weird and anti-social” for calling such a dream a nightmare and that what was wrong with having a party.

We laughed about it and moved on but the worrier in me couldn’t let it slide, I wondered why I was so troubled that there were so many people who came to ‘rejoice’ with me. Had I become so cynical or stopped liking humans so much or what?

People have also told me that how would I meet someone to marry me if I don’t go out as the guys won’t come to my house *smh*, there’s some truth to it but isn’t it funny how people just somehow connect everything in life to getting a husband? (Topic for another day)

I keep telling my accusers that I’m making efforts at changing my ‘dry ways’. During Easter Holiday I caught up with some of my old friends and I found out one thing- I’m NOT the only person who has changed and we all still got along perfectly. I don’t have a ‘social disease’ it’s just that priorities have shifted positions and ‘caution is the new spontaneity’. I guess I’m just different from the girl I mentioned I was years ago.

So while I maintain my fun loving, gregarious and friendly disposition I’ll also remember to enjoy growing up!