
Friday 24 August 2012


So it’s done! I have finally started this blog and I'm writing my first post

I’m kind of scared. What have I got myself into?

“Ehn, Anu must you join ‘them’?”

But you see, deep down I know I have to join ‘them’ and even outdo them.

My fear is partly based on what I have seen happen to other bloggers- they start all excited and knowledgeable but few months pass and they can’t keep up. I won’t try to figure if they didn’t have a love relationship with the blog or ran out of things to say or started it for the wrong reasons.

Well I have got things to say and I’ve got the voice and a keyboard : - D

Although I wonder how people will take these things.

Well, Stuff you’ll see on Pencil Goddess will be but not restricted to-

- An expression of who I am (or who I want you to see),

- Perfectly random thoughts by me and other people

- Stuff I’ll like to describe as Inscriptions by the goddess,

- Because I’ll forever be true to my addiction there will be Beauty revelations

-Art worth sharing; on some days my artistic side rears its head or I’ll just share other people’s own


-I’ll definitely be your go-to-girl.

My posts will NOT be rehearsed or professionally edited. I may step on toes, won’t make an effort to sound intelligent, will declare my weird thoughts, won’t impose my opinions on others and be totally unashamed about my faith in God.

So if you’re ready for this ride with me, strap up and yeah don’t be stingy tell your friends too!

Oh I forgot……yeah the name Pencil Goddess is because I'm excellent with pencils (make up and writing) and was inspired by Glory, Kellie and Damola! I like to say she is my Alter Ego…….;  )

And Thank you Perkins @Operko

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