
Friday 31 July 2015

I had ice cream yesterday

……and the day before that

What makes this information special is because I’m trying to be on a diet and I’ve built a slow yet steady healthy pattern for a while

But I failed the past days- no form of exercise and I piled on the calories

I have an excuse – it started with a bad day…..

It was more like a series of unfortunate events and rather than vent or do something drastic to cool off, I settled for ice cream

When it was over and I started getting a tummy ache, I realised the folly of my action

I was even too ashamed to work out and jump off what I had consumed

So I fell into a shallow darkness (shallow because I slapped myself out of it) and it made me think about how we ‘act out’ and generally misbehave while blaming our lack of self-control on -“I had a bad day!, “I’m depressed”, “Ï am already fat so why try?”,  “I’m ill so let me just indulge today”, “I’m desperate and there is no time”, “It’s not my fault things are like this”, "people are so inconsiderate"- and then engage in baseless activities that can only beget feelings of shame and failure.

Well I’ve come to realize the hard way that it’s all a heap of horse manure when we indulge in things we know have negative consequences; when we go back to a habit we have been delivered from or generally express some form of bad behaviour because we’re upset: who told you that the universe and her inhabitants care that much about your bad day or life? That is not sufficient to make silly decisions that affect your progress and maybe selfishly affect others. 

Do you think we’ll understand why you yelled at a genuinely irritating potential client in a moment of frustration; why you threw that phone against the wall in the presence of people; why you broke that man’s side view mirror even though he deserved it and sometimes we even go as far as throwing caution to the wind and call that ridiculous person from your past because you’re bored or sad or you feel they would make you feel better……FOUL! You just opened the door for a domino effect of more horse manure!!

No excuses, if you’re having a bad day, suck it up! I don’t intend to be smooth and diplomatic, this is me talking to myself and anyone else who reads this; we already possess the strength to say NO to what would make us hang our heads a few minutes, hours or days’ time. We are not children who can get away with throwing an occasional tantrum, sulking or be pampered with candy when something unpleasant happens. This is real life and we’re expected to take responsibility – there MAY be exceptions but sometimes these exceptions become an upward review in dress size 6 or 9 months later, or that drunken text produced you a crown of friend with benefit or needing an AA meeting and that potential client you yelled at completely destroyed your reputation on Instagram or that person whose window you broke becomes your future in-law (extreme I know) but nothing is impossible here!

Just calm down! Seriously! Decide and carry out realistic steps to try solve whatever the problem is and if you need a break, develop some other healthy activity to distract you – Pray, sleep, eat an apple, sing, go dancing or walking, watch a movie, call a good old friend, call your mother, stay at the office and finish everybody’s assignment for them (Lol) ANYTHING BUT stupid behaviour you will regret later. All the Best!

By the way, I’m yet to fully recover from my fall but I don’t intend to be down any longer…..this post was my first point of liberation! And thank you for coming back after so long to read……. XOXO