
Thursday 30 April 2015

Teach your rug to fly

Out of the thousands of books I’ve read, one that I thoroughly enjoyed is ‘who moved my cheese’ by Spencer Johnson, I read it a few years ago during a training I attended, and though I learnt some lessons, I can say authoritatively that there are some things theory won’t teach you until you experience and learn first-hand.
My cheese has been moved a few times, to be honest I’ve woken up before and found that the whole station has been moved or demolished; what is so sad is that there were some instances when I saw this coming but I didn’t trust myself enough to make the right choice or I was too lazy or afraid of the unknown. I used to say ‘impatience’ when someone asked me to mention a character flaw/something about me I could change; and over time in an attempt to not be an impatient person I had become fearful and often accommodated or adapted to situations that though I knew were wrong, I’d tell myself to calm down and ‘learn lessons’, ‘live through it and come out stronger’, ‘put in more effort’, blah blah blah!
I looked back  few years of my life and realized I had often accepted much less than I deserved; not because I have a heightened sense of my own importance but because I now have a better knowledge of who I am and can be. I also recognize that I got too comfortable when the ‘cheese’ seemed sufficient so I was often left frustrated at every slight change or disruption in my routine
And in extreme cases when ‘the rug gets pulled from under you’ it is not pretty; you blame the whole world including your dead ancestors and haters, you give excuses and cook up all sorts of stories about how unlucky you are, it just so happens that this period you run into old friends from school who seem to have the perfect life while you 'Mr/Miss most likely to succeed’ is living to make ends meet and you fall in and out of depression and self-condemnation and how life is unfair.
……..I’m glad I can laugh and write about this now, because I’ve learnt the importance of teaching your rug to fly or at least being able to roll it up and run with it to the next point; we won’t always have control of things that happen to us but we can learn to control how we react to those things which at the end makes us better. None of us have been promised The Perfect Life but rather than sulk at every misfortune and be static, I am willing to be better; to get up and act when I need to and not sit down in anger or throwing pity parties.

** the image is of calvin and hobbes on their imaginary magic carpet; the dialogue is funny but made me think about how some people can still be hung on certain issues even after they have been blessed with the chance to move on

Friday 10 April 2015

Don't wear a short dress to get a pedicure

I thoroughly enjoy getting a pedicure; I’m a feet typa girl and I catch myself looking at people’s feet and being worried that people judge mine too, Hehehehe! Issues right?
Anyway, on one of my frequent visits to my ‘nail lady’ I wore a dress that in all honesty cannot be considered short, that is until I had to sit down and raise my leg so she could do her thing……Errrrr…….how can we rectify this blunder as we’re not interested in being ‘revealed’? Without me voicing my thoughts, she got me a towel which was tiny and didn't really change the situation but her effort was much appreciated; I laughed at myself and made a mental reminder to wear only trouser like clothing whenever I’m going to get my feet done.
But while I sat in awkward positions and tugged at my dress and tiny towel, I couldn't help but criticize myself; I take pride in the fact that I always think of possible situations generally and even when getting dressed – I consider matters like comfort, decency, ability to run if a riot breaks out, how easy would it be to jump on a commercial motorcycle if I discover there is traffic and how high can I jump or stretch if I have to do a flying kick during a fight (yes such matters are vital) but this one day I wasn't prepared and it wasn't fun holding on to the edge of my dress hoping no man in the unisex salon was having a field day reducing my bride price.
Yes there is room for genuine omission and mistakes, still it made me realize that we humans can sometimes get too comfortable and make excuses like “well it’s just for today!” NO, it’s not just for today because “it’s just for today” could be your last day or your last chance or get you totally misunderstood.
If it is in your habit to always lock your car doors wherever you go, please always lock your doors; don’t one day in a lazy moment leave your car door unlocked because it would only take 5 minutes to go in and out of the store, you may just come out after 5 minutes and find you've been robbed.
I’m not trying to be pessimistic or extreme or claim accidents don’t happen, however if you've a pattern that has worked for you for years or if you constantly follow your gut in even seemingly minor things like what to eat, it’s not wrong to keep at it. I know people who don’t eat certain foods not prepared in their homes; the day you see it in a restaurant or party and because it looks yummy and clean you decide to try and then you spend the next 3 days on the toilet seat, who would you blame?

Habits and careful living patterns are not bad; routines are not boring if they keep you safe and at peace, no matter what anyone says about you being stiff, fearful, difficult etc. do what you have to, it’s fine…….it doesn't make you weird.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Passion and Practice Pt III: Life

I couldn’t think of a ‘deep’ title for this post…..Lol!
So I simply called it “Life”.....which is something I've been thinking a lot about lately; why are we here? What are we supposed to do while we’re here? And why do we go through the things we do?
Trust me the questions don’t come as easily as I make it sound and it’s not so much a fun conversation to have but anyway, I’m grateful to be ‘here’
I like photography… hasn't been made known to me if it would be a profession however I thoroughly enjoy the art and idea of capturing emotions, history and events.
The pictures below were taken by me, I’m lazy and shy but I practice as often as I can. I was going through my folders and these are some of the pictures that ‘jumped at’ me……and I genuinely think they signify ‘life’ or ‘beginning’ or ‘existence’ in some way……I’ll let you have your opinion too…….
They say Green is the color of life but when I see yellow flowers they signify life for me more than green does. Yellow flowers just…errrm…make me hopeful!

'Anticipating new life'……at a baby shower organized for a friend

I think this picture is a bit blurry blah blah but I love it! This is my friend’s introduction and she was being ushered out by friends and family to go meet her husband and in-laws…….the beginning of a new life! I love how everyone else seemed to be looking at her or something else and only she was smiling and looking forward.

I know how I felt when I took this picture, unfortunately I’m not sure how well to express myself… was beautiful, I was reminded of God’s awesomeness and ability to sustain EVERYTHING and then I was scared as I was in a boat and it’s not one of my favorite places to be.

I’m fascinated by sea shells- I don’t go to the beach often and when I do, I make sure I pick some – it’s amazing that they were once a covering for something that lived and died…….beautiful armor!

Death is a necessary part of life…………

***Happy Easter everyone! My genuine prayer for you is that you experience hope…..hope and faith that helps you live again; to resurrect dead dreams and your God-given aspirations and unwavering strength to stand firm!