
Wednesday 25 December 2013

Smile……It’s Christmas!

My life is amazing and I say this mainly because I’m alive today; I strongly believe that once there is life, there is hope. Not because it is a saying people have come to accept especially when things are not working out but because it has applied to my life and I have risen above whatever hardship I may have gone through simply because my creator said it wasn’t time. And because I’ve been blessed with time, I have been given an opportunity to right the wrongs and hold on to faith.

It’s hard to believe a year has gone by so far but I’m extremely grateful; grateful for my faith; my family; my friends; hurts; laughter; rewards; disappointments and of course lessons learnt either in easy or painful ways.

I stand today with a reaffirmed belief that I can go through whatever I have to and still come out as gold. Out of necessity, habit or hope we humans take decisions often without giving much thought to them; we buy this, eat that, get on a plane, quit that job, move to a new town or permit ourselves to fall in love with no assurance that we would get it in return.

Yet I realized that whether our decisions (serious or trivial) end up with good or bad results, every human has the capacity to carry or handle what happens as long as we don’t give up. I hold on to the truth that God would never allow us pass through what we can’t handle (except you consciously choose to solicit friendship with the devil even after adequate warning, then I’m sorry I can’t guarantee a healthy ending).

So as we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God, I encourage that we ‘STAND’ firmly in the truth that we can and will overcome whatever; whether plans don’t come to fruition or you even exceeded your to do list for the year, just be grateful. Consciously decide to be in a happy place and remember it’s just 7 days (6 in Australia) before we all start yelling “Happy New Year!!!!” so why wallow in pity? Get it together and get ready to pick up from where you left off!

Merry Christmas People!!!! May we all experience genuine Joy and Peace this season and beyond!


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The image is that of a funny Christmas card I saw this season! Lol

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Passion and Practice Pt II: Nothing like a Lagos party

It’s no longer news that one of my major interests is Photography and ever since I got my beautiful Nikon D3100 I’ve pushed myself to practice more and learn to take better pictures. Check out my Passion and Practice pt I

As a Lagosian by birth, I say this with all pride “there is no party like a Lagos party” or “there is no party like a party thrown by Lagosians anywhere in the world” because I know they can transfer the spirit anywhere, Lol.

So this post is dedicated to my friend, the latest bride Vicky and some of the people who made the last Lagos party I attended TOTALLY ROCK!

Makeup by yours truly : ) Face of Chayil
This is obviously not a good picture but who cares? I mean, how would you know WE know DJ Exclusive? Lool
The bride no gree oh! Etighi of laive!
This was taken during my 'practice time' with my teacher, Mr. Cole
These flowers were so beautiful! However, they died  : (
I think the view is amazing and couldn't resist taking a picture
I got a few punches to the head trying to get this close to the lawmakers at a protest at the National Assembly, Abuja.
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Thursday 5 December 2013

Will you ever know?

As I switched on my Blackberry after church on sunday the first thing I saw was "RIP Paul Walker" as a contact's status message; because I hardly believe such news I went straight to my ever willing informant and friend...Google to search if it was true and there it was in that the Hollywood star was really dead.

Instantly my mind went back to the sermon I had just heard minutes ago; the Reverend talked about how we'll never know when it would be our time to leave this world which truly isn't ours. He encouraged that we get close to our Creator and live right and acceptable to Him.

I sat in the car waiting for my friend and my heart was heavy. As she walked to me and I started telling her what I just heard, I started crying; my friend was surprised because I'm not much of a crier. You may even ask "what's your own? Did you know him?" And I dare say yes, yes I knew Paul Walker because I was a fan, I liked who I saw on television and in magazines. He was an image of Hollywood I admired because I didn't think he was dirty or controversial and yes I knew him because everytime I watched a movie he starred in, Paul Walker and his co- stars had the power to get some form of emotion out of me; either anxiety from the suspense, laughter at the humour or jaw dropping shock at the car stunts they just pulled off (I secretly fell in love with fast cars after 'Fast 5' which is the best to me) But most of all, the news of his death kind of brought home the message of the sermon I just heard.

The Bible talks about patriarchs who at an old age and after a very long life set their affairs in order, gathered their children, blessed them, dusted their feet, lay on their beds and peacefully died; however, that’s not the case when you are young, healthy and with unfulfilled plans.

We often hear clerics tell us to live right and at peace with our Creator but sometimes we forget these Words after a few days; we've also seen times where a movie makes major box office success because one of the actors died before the release or companies begin to investigate or recall a product once there is a controversy involved. However, one thing I'd take away from this is that you can never truly know when it's time to go; for someone like me I’m more worried of the ‘how’.

Driving cars made the 40 year old actor way more popular than he was before his role in the 'Fast' series; he probably got into a car almost everyday of his life and yet he died in one. At the second of the impact no wealth, fame or good looks could save him; he woke up that day with a completely different plan and absolutely NO idea that he won't make it back. Because he wasn't my family member or close friend I can't tell his relationship with his Creator but I believe he was a good guy, he was a blessing to thousands through his work and charity and he will be greatly missed by those who love him. Rest in peace!


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